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Groupe de l'événement « Vernissage Chemin Land Art 2022 »

Public·172 membres

Arnold Shooters
Arnold Shooters

Sue Lowell Natural History _BEST_

Now, thanks to a $239,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the university libraries and the Center for Asian American Studies will set up a digital archive to preserve much of that history.

sue lowell natural history

I live on the eastern edge of the Great Plains in the U.S., a grassland biome. In the book, grasslands are represented by the African savanna. We wanted the illustrations to feature animals whenever possible, because animals are so interesting to kids. The African savanna, with all its marvelous large mammals, was the natural choice.

Have you ever wanted to work on an old trolley car? Here is your chance. Lowell National Historical Park is looking for people who are willing work at least one shift per week on the trolley car on a regular basis. Duties include assisting the motorman in the operation of the park trolley in a safe manner, stopping traffic to allow the safe crossing of the trolley at various intersections, and answering general questions from visitors about Lowell, the park, and history of trolleys. Many find the job to be quite enjoyable. Safety and operational training will be provided.

"Rich in detail, studded with telling anecdotes, Dishing It Out is just as vivid and evocative as its title suggests. . . . This book speaks with clarity and good sense to the major debates in the history of work and gender and will become a landmark in our growing understanding of the relationships between the two."-- Susan Porter Benson, author of Counter Cultures

"In this imaginative study of waitresses, work, and unionism, Cobble challenges us all to rethink the conventional wisdom about the relationship between craft unionism and the possibilities for women workers' collective action. Women's labor history will never be the same."-- Ruth Milkman, author of Gender at Work: The Dynamics of Job Segregation by Sex during World War II

When students do not catch up after additional instruction and support using an RTI/MTSS approach, clinical evaluation is needed to determine and document the nature of the learning problem. After evaluation, the school team will consider the case history and the testing data and will determine eligibility for Special Education services under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). Data and evaluation results should be shared with parents throughout this process. For students with diagnosed SLD and dyslexia, the plan is typically an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), which provides both remediation and accommodations. Independent (i.e., private) schools are not required to follow IDEA; therefore, they can decide if and how they are able to remediate and accommodate students with learning differences.

Evaluation of dyslexia involves collecting information about birth history, family history, child development, including speech and language development and early educational history. The clinician, SLD Specialist, Dyslexia Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, or other trained professionals, must review school records incorporating any previous assessments or previous diagnoses and note early interventions, such as speech/language therapy, if any were provided. After clinical review or analysis of the collected data and information, the written report summarizes all the intake information and history. The report should clearly describe the referral questions or concerns that led to the assessment. For individual clinical assessment of SLD and dyslexia, a battery of tests is used to ensure reliability and validity. Standard scores and percentile ranks should be included in the report. Age and grade-level scores may be included, but they are just approximations and should never be relied upon as measures of academic achievement.

In order to offset the dire financial situation, company executives, including Director Frederick Quinn and Treasurer Bartholomew Scannell, decided to have Harvard make their "near-beer" a little nearer than federal law permitted. Although profits naturally jumped, the illegal endeavor was short lived when a truck filled with 100 barrels of Harvard beer was hijacked in Lowell during August of 1925. As the hijackers were transferring the kegs of brew to their own private cars, their movements were noticed by most of the neighborhood.

When the agents tried to gain entrance to the brewery, Scannell refused them admittance for lack of a search warrant. Upon hearing workers smashing barrels inside, the officers forced a door at the side of the building and found their shoes immersed in four to five inches of spilled beer. It was reported that laborers were casting full kegs of the Harvard product into nearby River Meadow Brook so as to escape their seizure. The raid was the largest in New England's prohibition history with over 100,000 gallons of full strength brew confiscated by the government. An extended trial led to the charges being dropped against most of the company officials. However, Director Quinn and two of the owners were given fines ranging from $150 to $500. By this time, the brewery was unable to pay its mortgage and was auctioned off by Lowell real estate specialist Walter Guyette and sold back to the bank.

Sue Kody Seagraves, former Upper School Art teacher, is truly a woman for all seasons. Over the years, her interests and passions in life have ranged from art and art history to architecture, cooking, Japanese maples, travel, reading, gardening, and of course, her family. With a B. S. in Art and a minor in English from Concord College in Athens, West Virginia and a M.F.A. in Art from UNCG, Sue was invited to join the GDS faculty by Jim Hendrix in 1976 to fill in for the Lower School art teacher who was on maternity leave. Jim also wanted her to teach English, but Sue suggested that he get in touch with a woman she had met when they taught together at Gillespie, and thus GDS had the good fortune to also acquire Tricia Fish as an Upper School English teacher.

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